A List Of Techniques To Improve Power Quality

Nonlinear loads produce harmonic currents that can propagate to other locations in the power system and eventually return back to the source. Therefore, harmonic current propagation produces harmonic voltages throughout the power systems.

Many mitigation techniques have been proposed and implemented to maintain the harmonic voltages and currents within recommended levels:

1. high power quality equipment design,
2. harmonic cancellation,
3. dedicated line or transformer,
4. optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks,
5. derating of power system devices, and
6. harmonic filters (passive, active, hybrid) and custom power devices such as active power line conditioners (APLCs) and unified or universal power quality conditioners (UPQCs).

The practice is that if at PCC harmonic currents are not within the permissible limits, the consumer with the nonlinear load must take some measures to comply with standards.

However, if harmonic voltages are above recommended levels- and the harmonic currents injected comply with standards - the utility will have to take appropriate actions to improve the power quality.

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