One very important part of an energy management program is to have top management support. More important, however, is the selection of the energy manager, who can among other things secure this support.

The person selected for this position should be one with a vision of what managing energy can do for the company. Every successful program has had this one thing in common—one person who is a shaker and mover that makes things happen. The program is then built around this person.

There is a great tendency for the energy manager to become an energy engineer, or a prima donna, and attempt to conduct the whole effort alone. Much has been accomplished in the past with such individuals working alone, but for the long haul, managing the program by involving everyone at the facility is much more productive and permanent.

Developing a working organizational structure may be the most important thing an energy manager can do. The role and qualifications of the energy manager have changed substantially in the past few years, caused mostly by EPAC92 requiring certification of federal energy managers, deregulation of the electric utility industry bringing both opportunity and uncertainty, and by performance contracting requiring more business skills than engineering. In her book titled “Performance Contracting:

Expanded Horizons,” Shirley Hansen give the following requirements for an energy management:

• Set up an Energy Management Plan

• Establish energy records

• Identify outside assistance

• Assess future energy needs

• Identify financing sources

• Make energy recommendations

• Implement recommendations

• Provide liaison for the energy committee

• Plan communication strategies

• Evaluate program effectiveness

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